Photographer's Retreat

22nd - 27th May 2025

Lesvos, Greece

Join us on a one in a lifetime experience, storytelling through our lenses on a Greek island as the sun sets and waves gently brush against our feet. Feel the sand beneath your toes as you become part with your scene. Learn to use the elements around you for creativity and emotion in your images.

Enjoy Meza's at various local restaurants, homemade  specialties and freshly caught seafood. 

Early morning Yoga and Meditation right by the beach at our beautiful hotel Aphrodite, followed by two day trips with optional pottery making,  Spa treatments and other relaxing and traditional experiences!

Whether you're a professional, hobbyist or newbie,  grab your camera and lets go!



What's included?

Only 8 spots (UPDATE 4 spots available) 2,500 Euro 

  • 5 nights at the beautiful Hotel Aphrodite
  • Transportation to and from the airport (available on the 22nd and 27th only, if needed, I will organize a taxi service for you at your own expense).
  • Optional Yoga and Meditation each morning before breakfast
  • Breakfast at the Aphrodite hotel, lunch and dinner Meza's at various local restaurants
  • Models  
  • A days Workshop  for Portrait Photography, capturing perfect lighting and posing with Sakis Batzalis, local award wining Photographer and Teacher
  • Lifestyle Photography workshop with Amyleanna's Photography.  (If you're a newbie, I will Mentor and guide you through the whole Retreat!)
  • 2 Day trips with optional participation in local activities
  • A free day to explore, or join me practicing street Photography throughout the village and harbor of Molyvos
  • A unique opportunity to explore Greece with likeminded individuals all planned by Amyleanna's Photography

(Flights are not included)



You will be staying at the Aphrodite Hotel in their Superior Room. Aphrodite and her family have been friends of mine for many years. Since I moved to Greece from the aged 11, the Aphrodite hotel has been one of my favorite places to visit and relax. They have a great size pool, amazing restaurant and are located just outside of the village of Molyvos. Wifi is available throughout the grounds of the hotel and there are many spots to edit or enjoy the peace from our everyday busy life. :



If you are arriving on the 22nd and departing on the 27th, transport will be provided to and from Mytilini airport along with the day trips.

The village is within walking distance from the hotel, approximately 15/20 min walk.



Breakfast at the hotel is provided, lunch and dinner will be a Meza at various restaurants chosen by Amy. If you choose to venture to a  different restaurant that's totally fine, however  Amy will not cover the cost of that meal.

Bottled water will be provided, for any other refreshments, coffees, alcohol beverages, snacks will be at your own cost unless stated otherwise by Amy.


Yoga and Meditation

Each morning before breakfast,  A private class of Yoga and Meditation will be held  at our hotel right by the beach. This is totally optional, if you aren't into Yoga or Meditation there are some beautiful walks you can go on right from the hotel, perhaps down to the harbor to watch and capture the morning fishing boats coming in, a swim in the pool, or simply enjoy an early breakfast from the outside seating area on the hotel terrace. 


Model Calls

During the Retreat, we will be working with 3 unique model calls,  two will take place within the Amazing Sakis Batzalis Workshop,  the other 1 the next day with me in the evening. All images captured  will have model release and are permitted to be used for your social media platforms and website, however you must tag Amyleanna's Photography.


Day trips

We will  visit the beautiful Monastery Limonos which contains an important library with 5,000 books that date from the 15th century until the present, rare manuscripts, ecclesiastical items, holy icons, jewelry, and many other exhibits. Over the years people have donated money to build small chapels on the grounds which you can walk around and explore inside mural Icon art.

After, we will  drive to the local  hot springs Spa where you can relax, book a massage (at your own expense) and get some lunch. 

During the afternoon, on the way back we will stop at the salt flats which is a stunning dramatic landscape, I will provide my Models and present a 2 hour workshop.  


For our second trip we will be visiting the famous Monastery of St Michael. Here is a site with the history: http://

Inside the Monastery you will see an Icon believed to be made of Monks blood, people come here to pray and ask for a miracle. A piece of metal/jewelry is offered to St Michael at the time of the miracle request. There is a little cafe within the Monastery grounds that sells delicious honey donut balls and other pastries. We will stop here for some coffee and to sample their delights.

After visiting the Monastery you will have the option to take part in a pottery workshop at the local pottery store in Mantamados village. If pottery isn't your thing, don't worry you can take a stroll around the village and meet us after the pottery class. Like many places in Greece,  this is a family run business, please visit their website for more information about their business with this link:

On the way back to the hotel we will be stopping at Skala Sikamineas, a little fishing village for a late lunch. This is a sweet little place that has a Mermaid church built on a rock and harbor filled with fishing boats. Very scenic and perfect for pictures. 


Free day

You can spend the rest of the day venturing out, relaxing by the pool or whatever your soul needs. I will be practicing Photography with anyone else that would like to join. 


Please click on the icon below to join my Facebook group if you are interested in my Photography Retreats.


Lesvos Gallery

All images for this Retreat have been captured and edited by Amyleanna's Photography. 

All content Copywrite © 2024 Amyleanna's Photograhy
